We work on the shift from having the wrong or no information to having the right information. Deciding when and whom to have sex with is a discussion best had within families. We focus on the biology of sex and birth control. Sex happens, but pregnancy is something that is best planned. Birth control is a public health issue, since 70% of fertile couples having sex do not want pregnancy. Birth control should be considered as essential as a vital sign like blood pressure. Choice of birth control options should match an individuals reproductive life goals.
Birth control that is considered “long acting” allows for extended pregnancy protection with just one act of motivation. Because nothing is required of the user, they are extremely (over 99%) effective and safe. Just fit it and forget it!
Project EmpowHER provides education about long acting birth control to everyone - from youth to individuals, community members, health care professionals, and stakeholders. Contact us to find out how we can empower your group with the right information about long acting birth control.