Who thought long acting birth control was this powerful?
Empowerment is a big word, but what does it actually mean as a lived experience? It is closely tied to the idea of liberty - the ability to live life as you choose. It is the difference between “life happens to me” versus “I can choose what happens in my life”. For girls and many individuals, there is a critical first step needed; “Pregnancy is something that happens to me” has to shift to “I can choose when pregnancy happens to me”.
Empowering girls and individuals with a reproductive life plan is important. Empowered girls and individuals are more likely to get educated, experience economic stability, and take better care of those around them in the future. Empowered girls and individuals become strong social citizens who in turn empower the next generation. When girls, women and individuals do well, we all do well!
Find out how Project EmpowHER reframes long acting birth control as a tool of empowerment.
Check out our TEDx talk here